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la mais LA Baleine

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la mais LA Baleine Empty la mais LA Baleine

Message par tuff Ven 3 Juin 2011 - 15:22

Cette photo a été prise à l’entrée de la baie Katlian, au bout du chemin de Sitka en Alaska.
La baleine vient à la surface pour avaler une partie du banc de harengs qui s’y trouve
(on voit les harengs à la surface de l’eau autour du kayak) . Le kayakiste est un dentiste de Sitka,
il n’a pas été blessé et a survécu à cette expérience quelque peu terrifiante.
La baleine se trouvait en face du terminal du traversier, et tout ce que le kayakiste pouvait faire
c’était de "Pagayer le plus vite possible!"

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir cette image]
Il est entre les deux machoires de la baleine!

:surprie: peur :etourdie: non non
Mordus de SpiderQuad

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la mais LA Baleine Empty Re: la mais LA Baleine

Message par Semper Fi Ven 3 Juin 2011 - 22:34

Très bon truquage !


Detailed Analysis
This compelling image, which depicts a kayaker paddling his small craft through the massive mouth of a whale as the creature rises to scoop up herring, is circulating around the world via email, blogs and social networking websites. The image is certainly one that would cause most viewers to do a double take and it has generated a great deal of discussion. Many commentators have suggested that the image is the result of some clever digital manipulation. In this case, these commentators are perfectly correct.

In fact, the image is the result of the combining of two unrelated photographs using an image manipulation program. Sometimes, images that circulate via the Internet carry hidden information about them in the form of embedded metadata. Opening the image in a photo processing application can give the viewer access to this metadata, which often reveals camera information, the date the shot was taken and - most importantly for our current purposes - the name of the photographer.

In this case, the photographer is revealed in the metadata as Tim Shobe. Googling the photographer's name quickly reveals his website, Shobe Studios. And a quick look around the photo galleries on the website soon turns up the very same feeding whale image, albeit with the kayaker conspicuously absent. The photograph of the kayaker was also taken by Tim Shobe.

I contacted Mr Shobe to ask if he could provide some insight into the origin of the manipulated image and he was kind enough to offer the following reply:

Hi Brett...

Thank you for your interest in my whale/kayaker image that has inadvertently made it’s way through cyberspace with the help of forwarded emails and sites such as yours. I have heard good things about it and I have actually received ‘hate mail’ by those that don't know any better, but in an effort to put things into a positive and truthful light, please allow me to forward you the email that I sent to someone else recently requesting the same info from me.

Here’s the scope for the record:

Being bored one night and looking through my images, I came across some photos of whales that I took and then one of my friend Richard from here in Sitka while he was in his kayak. These two images were from two completely different times and locations...(roughly 3 months apart). I came up with the idea to create a manipulated image with the help of Photoshop to use as a small piece of entertainment for a few of my friends on my email list. The whale image of mine that I used for this piece was one of many captured during a day in which I blessed to have witness several humpback whales bubblenetting and lunge feeding. I will not give the exact location, but it was in March and near Sitka.

Tim Shobe also provided the original photographs he used in his creation. I have included these photographs in sequence below:

Whalemouth Kayaker Kayaker

Whale Feeding Whale Feeding 2

A March 2010 article by Sitka Sentinel Staff Writer Shannon Haugland provides more details about the image's subsequent "escape" into cyberspace:

Sitkan Tim Shobe is known for taking photos so good they're "unbelievable.'' But none is quite so unbelievable as the one he took of his friend Rich Kraft paddling through the mouth of a bubble-feeding humpback. The photo of the humpback is real, and so is the one of Kraft. But the two together? Not real.

"He sent it to me, and I showed it around work,'' said Kraft, who is a physician at SEARHC-Mt. Edgecumbe Hospital. The image included a quip about Kraft conducting an oral exam. "It was just a picture to get a chuckle,'' Kraft said. He thought his friends would enjoy Shobe's photographic and PhotoShop skills -- and the joke -- and sent it along to a few people about 10 days ago.

But in the world of the Internet, such things take on a life of their own. Before Kraft knew it, the photo had come back to him after reaching several other people. The question was always: "Is this real?'' The caption "one plus one can still equal one" and the joke about an oral exam were missing, which probably resulted in some people being deceived, Kraft said.

He even received a call from an Anchorage reporter, and an offer from a cousin to send it to National Geographic.

Thus, as has happened many times before, a skilled - and perfectly innocent - piece of Photoshop malarkey has escaped into the wilds of cyberspace and managed to dupe a hefty number of recipients along its journey.

Special thanks to Tim Shobe for his rapid reply to my query and for his kind permission to use his photographs in this article. Tim is a talented artist who has many beautiful photographs available for viewing on his website.

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Semper Fi
Semper Fi
Mordus de SpiderQuad

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la mais LA Baleine Empty Re: la mais LA Baleine

Message par Danlap Ven 3 Juin 2011 - 23:46

très beau truquage comme dit Semper Fi

On ne sait plus quoi croire sur internet ordi
Ambassadeur SpiderQuad

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la mais LA Baleine Empty Re: la mais LA Baleine

Message par Bern Sam 4 Juin 2011 - 19:53

Tu as raison Semper Fi, la bouche de la baleine est fermée et
l'autre mâchoire est beaucoup trop longue. scratch
Ambassadeur SpiderQuad

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la mais LA Baleine Empty Re: la mais LA Baleine

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