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Recu de Yahoo vidéo

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Message par Invité Jeu 16 Déc 2010 - 9:35

Dear Yahoo! Video user,

After careful consideration, we will be removing all general user-generated content upload capability and user-uploaded video from Yahoo! Video. As a result, your videos, user profiles, ratings, favorites, and playlists will no longer be available after March 14, 2011. User video content from Yahoo! Video that remains embedded on third party sites will no longer be playable after March 14, 2011.

Available on your profile page is a software utility that will allow you to download the videos you have uploaded to Yahoo! Video to your computer through March 14, 2011. You can find your profile by clicking on the 'My Video' tab or going to [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Once you download your videos, you may choose to upload them to another site such as Flickr, which now allows video uploads. You can find out more here: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

Thanks for your understanding and thanks for being a part of Yahoo! Video.

If you have any questions about this change, please visit our FAQ section, or contact Customer Care.

The Yahoo! Video Tea

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